Better? Worse? Same? Where Does Your Club Sit In 2024?

I’m a simple man. Ask around…. people are aware.

As such, I like to break things down into the simplest possible terms at times and when looking at the AFL off-season, I like to look at which teams made a significant improvement in their list for the coming season, which teams stagnated, and which teams got worse.

For this purpose, we have to forget about future draft picks – I know they’re a huge part of dealings, but we will not see these aspects of deals bear any fruit until at least the 2025 season. So, concentrating only on the upcoming 2024 season, who got better, who got worse, and who stayed the same?


Oh, what the hell? Article continued behind the Mongrel paywall? Yep, I believe my work is worth twenty-five cents per day. If you don’t, that’s fine. Standalone articles, off-season news, into season previews and pre-season game reviews, before we hit the 2024 season are all part of Mongrel Membership. You’re welcome to join/rejoin