Ebook: West Coast Eagles Year in Review – 2018
A compilation of our West Coast articles for the year. This kind of thing is perfect for the Eagle supporter who wants to re-live the highs and lows of the season, guffawing obnoxiously if there’s a Pies or Dockers supporter around.
Our first e-book! A compilation of our West Coast articles for the year.
This epub works with e-readers. We tested it on HB’s Kobo Arc and everything worked surprisingly well. Not fab with phones but it’ll do.
A compilation of our West Coast articles for the year. This kind of thing is perfect for the Eagle supporter who wants to re-live the highs and lows of the season, guffawing obnoxiously if there’s a Pies or Dockers supporter around.
It’ll make a nifty little Christmas gift, especially if you pre-load it on the recipients device. Seriously though, do that, because there’s nothing worse than waiting for dad to fish out his e-reader and then find the charger, and then remember that he put a password on, and he wrote it down, but where’s the bit of paper… Before you know it your mum is mad at you and no amount of dish-washing is going to fix things.
Seriously though, if you’ve enjoyed our work this year, then please support us so that we can carry on next year. If you don’t know who to gift the book to, I’m sure Julie Bishop would love multiple copies, and I KNOW that a number of you would like to send Eddie a few as well.
Stay classy Mongrels.
Any problems, send us an email at hbmeyers@themongrelpunt, and we will slowly but purposefully jump into action.
Additional information
Format | Kindle, Other eReader/Mobile |