
Go the Lions!

Brisbane fans, here’s your compilation of our Lions articles for the year.


Go the Lions!

We’ve put together an e-book of our Brisbane articles for the year. It’s a whopper.

Why not re-live the season in all its glory?

Don’t know what to get your brother for Christmas?  Get him an ebook and laugh because he doesn’t support the Lions. Got a mate who’s a Sydney supporter? Send them this. Or just buy it for yourself and enjoy!

Note, if you are buying an epub file for an iPhone or Apple product then you’re going to need to download an ereader like epub reader. Apple doesn’t play nice 🙁

Any problems, mistakes, compliments or e-book assistance needed send us an email at hbmeyers@themongrelpunt, and either HB or Mrs Mongrel will get back to you as soon as they can.