Fighting Father Time

It seems to happen at the end of every season – a player has weighed up his options, believes he can go around again, and the club kind of agrees.

In a perfect world, dreams would be fulfilled, players would be at their best, and the club would pat themselves on the back for their wise choice in extending the career of a veteran. After all, nine times out of ten, the player has earned it.

However, the flip side of all this is that we have players in the league right now that are unable to hold up their end of the bargain. They may have flirted with retirement after 2023, but decided that they had one last crack in them. Some made their decision in the hopes of obtaining that ever-elusive flag, whilst others are there for the milestones, and perhaps a farewell tour.

And some, still, are gearing up to obtain a contract elsewhere.

So, as we hit Round 20 (where has the year gone?), who are the league’s elder statesmen, and how do we rate their seasons thus far?



The remainder of this article is for our members. They support me, and I provide for them. It’s a good deal.


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