HB’s Most Disappointing Players of 2024 (So Far)

We’re almost halfway through the 2024 AFL season and we’ve now got a big enough sample size to know who is performing well, and who is underperforming.

With that in mind, it is time to have a look at the players who have just not taken the next step this season.

Some had high expectations. Some have already played great footy and have slipped away. And others, still, have perhaps got a game on reputation.

Let’s jump in


The remainder of this article is for our members. They support me, and I provide for them. It’s a good deal.


This is the first of probably five members-only columns this week from HB. He believes work such as this is worth twenty-five cents per day. If you don’t, that’s fine. You’re welcome to join and keep reading if you do.