Nowhere Men – Can GWS Find Their Groove Again?

There is a huge job ahead of Adam Kingsley and his GWS Giants as we head into the 2023 season. Some may say it is… gigantic.

And others may just slap those people for making such a terrible joke and putting them off the article, entirely before it even gets going. Understandable – I apologise.

In three short years, the Giants have gone from a team that fought and clawed their way to a maiden Grand Final berth, to a bunch of individuals whose priorities seemed more focused on their own game than the success of the team.

At first, it was thought to be an issue with the coach. Remember how it was all Leon Cameron’s fault? Remember the Ferrari analogy and his inability to get it out of second gear? Of course you do – people used it for years on end.

But what happened when he left halfway through the 2022 season?


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